.CA MA.ca sold $62,475 (2 Viewing)

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Canadian ccTLD Takes Top Spot on New Domain Sales Chart While Investors Ponder Market Prospects

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Thats @Ilze 's sale
Would love to know how many 2 letter.ca’s Ilze has sold over $50K. There are definitely a few.

I’ve never met her but judging by the emails we have exchanged, she is one of the nicest people I have spoken with.
Very nice to see.

September has heated up in terms of inquiries/sales.
Very nice (y) ….but may have left some money on the table with Diva?...imho
Very nice (y) ….but may have left some money on the table with Diva?...imho
I think it’s a fair price for both but possibly undersold a bit.

It’s also interesting that diva is using a GD lander but a generic one. No option to inquire about the domain. Unless I’m missing something.
I noticed that as well Eldred. Maybe just a holding page for now while developing or deciding how to utilize it?
Archive shows the domain was forwarding to ExcellentDomains.ca - from December 2021 and no record after that.
Diva would have gone for more if it expired and went to MyID auctions. Nevertheless, it's a wonderful name and I personally would bid on it, if available.
Congratulations Ilze on some nice sales. More to come I believe.
I just randomly checked the whois info for MA.ca and it shows it was bought by Marine Atlantic (MarineAtlantic.ca), which is the ferry service between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.

Perhaps many of you were already aware as this info was probably showing long before the sale was even announced but I just noticed today so I thought I'd point it out:

Their main website is still MarineAtlantic.ca for now. Like a lot of big companies, they also see a huge value in upgrading to a shorter, easier to spell .ca. ia.ca and ig.ca also comes to mind who have paid a 5 figure price for the upgrade.
And the odd md.ca which still goes to mdm.ca
Still would love to know the price for this one. Not sure if Adam signed an NDA or not. I believe he did hint that it sold for somewhere in the 6 figure range. @AdamDicker can you clarify?

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